Friday, May 22, 2009

Thoughts on a rainy day

The rain falling as it seems to have for weeks. Unfortunately it falls through the roof above my kitchen.

Why have I started this blog, well a friend suggested it. Not sure why maybe he thought I'd say something worth reading. So here I go and I don't promise anything that is interesting. I can't promise you my spelling or grammar will be correct however I will try to spell in English and will keep spelling colour with a u and organise with an s. The spell check incorrectly tells me I am wrong, I think the spell check is very wrong.

Not sure where to start but some background I am 42 years old (43 next week). I have worked in the same organisation since August 1995. Politically I am active and to the left (far left). How I got to being in the far left is simple I started off in the centre and watched the world move right. I am a democratic socialist and support these beliefs in that order. Socialism through the gun barrel is worthless. However democracy must be democracy. Democracy from the wallet is not democracy, it leads to either socialism though the gun barrel or more commonly fascism though the gun barrel. I can accept Tories being elected I don't support them buying power and disenfranchising others. Democracy where less than 80% vote is no democracy. Even 90% is low.

Now let me head off on some random tangent.

As a green lefty liberal the one thing that pisses me off is green left liberals. I may agree with most things they do. However can't this people see that they need to have a broad base to be electable?
The left seem not to know the meaning of the word 'broad'. Left parties are always joining together to make a bigger group. However shortly after the combined group is small that either of the old groups. It is quite clear why. It is so obvious why cannot they see it.

When two left groups unite it would make sense that concentrate on the common position. Not the left, when left group combine each group has a 'pet policy' so when two groups combine those policies are the centre of the new group.

So what happens, well some people in group A don't like the pet policy from group B they leave the group. And people in group B who don't like the pet policy from group A leave. It gets worse because when they later merge with group C then there are three pet policies. Everytime they merge they get smaller.

For a left party to be successful it needs to get rid of all the pet policies, none at all. The left need a set of common beliefs not a series of pet policies that in combination are only agreed by 100 people on the planet.

Well that is my opinion I could well be wrong, I could also be the only person who ever reads this blog. In fact I should accept that I will be the only reader.


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